I recently went to a little dinner party at a friend’s house, and was introduced to the wonderful game of Rummikub. It’s a game for 6-8 players, but I enjoyed it so much that I also wanted to be able to practice it on my own, wherever I happened to be.
While I don’t carry a set of Rummikub tiles around with me everywhere, I do carry my MacBook. So the other day I implemented a sort of practice solitaire version, just for fun.
It’s not the same as playing with other people. For one thing, you don’t get that thrilling uncertainty of wondering what moves other people will make during their turn.
But I find it to be quite meditative and enjoyable. When you play it, you’re basically solving fun little puzzles.
But why take my word for it? You can try it out for yourself HERE.
I enjoyed playing it as well! One issue I had with it that sometimes, one player can take a lot of time thinking about possible moves, which leaves everyone else waiting a lot.