Future chat

As generative AI continues to improve, more and more of our on-line communication might be given over to the virtual version of ourselves. At first it will mainly be business correspondence, but then we might begin using our Chat Avatar more and more often for personal communication.

Eventually, the version of us that people know on-line may not be the live version of us, but rather a sophisticated proxy. This proxy will have been trained on the history of our communication style, our sense of humor, our likes and dislikes, and our various quirks of personality, endearing or otherwise.

But what happens when we die? Perhaps death will start to become a private matter, something not spoken of in polite company, or even acknowledged. After all, we will still be able to communicate with the world perfectly well, even after we are no longer here.

Maybe, in an extreme scenario, some devastating future event will wipe out all of humanity, but nothing will really change. We will continue to communicate and chat away with each other on-line, just as we had been doing for years and years.

It won’t actually be us. But you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

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