
This week a friend told me that somebody she knows is writing a book about the history of cinnamon. That seems like a great idea for a book, because it creates an opportunity to talk about so many interesting topics, from cuisine to culture to capitalism to colonialism.

But then I got to thinking. What if — just maybe — there was some sort of miscommunication?


We’d like you to write a history of Cinema. We’re offering a $100K advance.


Hmm, that’s an interesting topic. Are you sure people will want to read about something so common?


Oh yes, it’s part of people’s everyday lives, isn’t it?


Yes … I guess so. Well, ok, I’m not going to turn down such a generous cash advance. I’ll see what I can do.

some months later


How’s the book coming?


You were right — this is a fascinating topic.


So you’re managing to cover fresh ground?


Well, not necessarily fresh ground, but definitely spice.


Spice is good. Readers like that. But make sure it’s in good taste.


Oh, very good taste. If you add the right ingredients to the mix.


Sounds wonderful! When can we expect a draft?

The author was so heartened by his publisher’s unexpected enthusiasm that he started work on a sequel, completely on spec: A Brief History of Thyme.

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