
Suppose I were the government of a very large country on the other side of the world, and I wanted to influence the outcome of the next US presidential election. One particular tactic might be very effective, and as that government I would certainly have the wherewithal to pull it off.

I could simply arrange for someone to slip one of the candidates a mickey just before the debate. The candidate would experience brain fog for the duration of the debate, and then would, seemingly miraculously, go back to being his usual sharp, energetic, perceptive self by the time he gave a speech the next morning.

Remember: Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they are aren’t out to get you.

2 thoughts on “Mickey”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. The Inquirer is right on target.

    The problem here is that everyone sets the bar high for our President, because he is known to be sane, rational, honest and competent.

    For the orange haired whatever-that-is, the bar seems to be set somewhere in the subbasement. People are impressed whenever he manages to repeat a memorized sentence all the way through.

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