King Joe

To my astonishment, the U.S. Supreme Court just declared Joe Biden to be King. Well, not exactly King, because there is no right of succession. Hunter Biden doesn’t get to inherit the monarchy.

But in effect, the majority opinion of the court yesterday was that anything a sitting president does in his official capacity is legal. Which means Joe Biden can do whatever he wants between now and January 20.

Should he decide to round up all of the Republican senators and put them into holding camps for the next six months, that would be legal. Should he order a military hit on the Republican candidate for president, or on any particular members of the Supreme Court, that would also be legal.

In each case, he could simply say he is acting in the interest of national security. The Court made it very clear that we are not allowed to even question the motives of a sitting president.

According to SCOTUS, you cannot question POTUS. As long as King Joe is operating in his official capacity as president, whatever he does is by definition legal.

I wonder why the Supreme Court decided to give Joe Biden such absolute power.

One thought on “King Joe”

  1. Nixon: “When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.”
    Scotus: That sounds right.

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