All in one place

I remember from previous longer things I have written within these pages that people have requested “the whole thing at once”. So I have now compiled the thirty posts that constitute “A Nose for Danger” into a single conveniently sequential read.

The daily breaks in the original telling have been marked in the form of thin horizontal lines. You can think of these as virtual pages. Each such page actually counts off a day of my life during the month of November 2012. This nod to temporal authenticity may or may not be relevant to your reading experience, but there it is.

I understand that many people who participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) revise their creation after they have recovered from that initial insane monthlong rush to produce a book-length cornucopia of words. It is not clear to me that there is anything in this particular novel that I would wish to revise.

So here it is, as original written: A Nose for Danger (a novel).

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