Two talks

I gave two talks, one last week and another this week. In the first talk, which was well thought out and coherent, I showed the overarching trajectory of our larger research agenda, with prepared sets of images, polished demos, and a formally arranged sequence of ideas that progressed in logical order.

The second talk was about “all the stuff I didn’t get to talk about in the first talk”. Consequently, that second talk was a bit rag-tag. I dug up some old work, gave some demos, showed a few things I’ve been playing with lately, and generally just winged it, sticking to things I thought would be fun for people to see.

Can you guess which talk turned out better? 🙂

4 thoughts on “Two talks”

  1. I had a good time listening to both! The 2nd half made me wish that programming was taught to me at a young age so I could have followed along better. Thanks for giving the talks Ken!

  2. Thanks! The talk last night was actually a third talk, which tried to squeeze most of the four hour content of those first two talks down to two hours.

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