Old notebook

Suppose you found an old notebook that contained a fantastical tale, perhaps a tale of events in a parallel world.

For various reasons of your own, you strongly suspect that the tale is true, but you are also aware that nobody else would be likely to believe this.

What would you do? Would you keep it all to yourself? Try to talk about it anyway? Present it as fiction?

These are not easy questions. For all we know, Philip K. Dick was making documentaries.

2 thoughts on “Old notebook”

  1. I (sort of) found myself in this very situation once. A very clever friend kept notebooks where he sketched all his ideas and inventions. For a while we worked together at the same company. He left the company before I did. Shortly after he left, I stopped by his vacant office, and discovered several of his notebooks left behind. I couldn’t resist thumbing through them, they were filled with all sorts of fascinating sketches and notes.

    I pondered what to do with them, but I figured there was no way he left them by accident, so I left them there.

    Turns out he indeed abandoned them there intentionally. He feared if he kept them they could be used as “evidence” he was taking inventions developed while he worked at that company.

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