Last night, as I was walking home, I encountered a bubble man in Washington Square Park. But what is a bubble man?
A bubble man, in this context, is a guy who creates giant bubbles. These are beautiful ephemeral sculptures. They exist for a few seconds, and then they are gone.
I stoode there, in rapt attention, as he created one beautiful bubble after another. Then I asked, somewhat shyly, whether I could try my hand at it.
The man graciously handed me the bubble making apparatus, and then I was off and running. I created one beautiful bubble after the other, throwing each new creation out into the unsuspecting air.
Each bubble lasted for only a few seconds, but that was sufficient — that was enough. So herein below, for your edification, is a photographics record, for all time, of yours truly, Ken the bubble man.
“Time makes bubble men of all men.” John Dunne, probably