CG programming for non-programmers, lesson 17

For lesson 17 we will apply the noise function to something quite different: Changing the shape of something. Here we start to see that noise can be used pretty much anywhere, to make things look a little less synthetic.

One way I like to think of it is that noise is kind of like salt. You wouldn’t eat salt by itself. But if you sprinkle just the right amount on your food, the food tastes better.

You can see this lesson by CLICKING HERE.

4 thoughts on “CG programming for non-programmers, lesson 17”

  1. The problem with that is that the things I say in the actual blog posts are an integral part of the content, because they provide the necessary context. If people never see that, then they won’t ever see the context for each lesson.

  2. OK, I tried that for lesson 20 (at the place in the lesson where it says “Lesson 20”). If that feels right to you, let me know, and I can start adding that to the earlier lessons.

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