Accessing our inner voice

We have all had the experience of having a sudden insight, or meeting a person and knowing immediately whether we can trust them. There are many moments like this in human existence — momentary flashes of a greater or deeper intelligence.

Most of us, most of the time, are too distracted or worried or indundated by information to be able to tap into this part of our being. We try to pay attention, to reason things out. Yet we still miss a lot of what is going on.

I wonder whether there is a way to train our brains to be able to better access that place of hyperintelligence. Can we learn to shut out the surrounding noise and instead listen to that higher functioning inner voice?

I suspect meditation or something like it would be part of the answer. But I also suspect that there is more to it than that.

Hmmm. If only I had better access to my own inner voice, I would probably already know the answer.

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