Decisive moments

It would be interesting to compile a list of decisive moments when various technologies created a fundamental shift in perception. I’m not talking about the moment when a technology was introduced, but rather when a change in perception of that technology caused a seismic shift.

For example, the first truly perfect blending of computer graphics special effects and live action in a Hollywood movie can be found in the 1989 movie The Abyss. The scene with the water snake told people within the industry that it was possible to seamlessly combine the magic of CGI with the realism of live action.

But it wasn’t until three years later, when Jurassic Park came out, that there was truly a seismic shift in the perception of CGI effects. The famous kitchen scene was a tour de force that essentially put the nail in the coffin on old fashioned practical effects, and started the shift to the massive use of CGI that we have today.

It would be interesting to identify such moments in other technologies and their corresponding industries.

3 thoughts on “Decisive moments”

  1. Here are some “whoa – this changes everything!” demos I can recall:

    Late 70’s, corporate lab: seeing anti-aliased text next to regular text on the same screen.

    Mid 80’s, university lab: watching a tiny file unfold into a beautiful photographic image via the magic of DCT (aka JPEG) compression.

    Early 90’s, corporate lab: Seeing one of the first tiny & cheap CMOS cameras – literally the size of an LED.

    Early 90’s, corporate office: Playing with Mosaic, the first web browser – the killer app.

  2. I only recently learned that the kitchen scene had more practical effects than I originally realized. Some of the raptor shots are human performers inside a costume.

    But that scene also had some CG manipulation that most people didn’t realize. When Lex is dangling from the ceiling, we’re actually seeing a stunt performer with a digital face replacement.

    So I guess it was a defining moment in that it has all become so seamless that it had become difficult to distinguish the CGI from the practical.

  3. The velociraptors are actually represented in three different ways in that scene. Sometimes they are puppet heads on sticks, other times a person in a suit and other times rendered CGI characters (for example,when they jump up on the counter).

    What is impressive — and important for the influence of that scene on the industry — is that you can’t tell the difference.

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