Be careful how you pronounce things

Some years back my sister had a pet dog, an adorable Bichon Frise named Susie. Everybody loved Susie. She was the sweetest and most good natured dog you could imagine.

It happened that around that time I was invited to speak at a conference in France. During one of the conference dinners, the topic of conversation came around to pets.

I said that I didn’t have any pets, but that my sister had an adorable Bichon Frise named Susie. To my surprise, everybody started laughing.

I was confused, until somebody explained the result of my mispronunciation. Apparently, the way I had said it, I had just told everyone that my sister had a fuzzy pigeon.

For the rest of the conference, I was known as that guy with the fuzzy pigeon. In retrospect, it was pretty funny.

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