
Suppose technology actually gets to the point where we have access to the equivalent of Google through a direct brain/computer interface. What would be the impact?

In particular, how much better would we be able to function given such a capability? Would the resulting change be fundamental or just incremental?

I suspect it might not make a large difference to most people reading this, since our fundamental way of thinking is already pretty set. But it might produce a radical change in children born after everybody has that capability.

They would think about connections between things in ways we might not be able to imagine. With the knowledge in the world just a thought away, they might approach problem solving very differently than we do.

Eventually, everybody will be born into a world where encyclopedic knowledge is simply normal. I wonder whether it would be possible for us to make some reasonable predictions about what that world might be like.

One thought on “Encyclopedic”

  1. I fear every day would be like one of those afternoons where you flip Wikipedia to look up just one thing and the next thing you know it’s bed time.

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