This evening I modified my extended reality piano program to create rising notes. Every time you play a note on the keyboard, a shape emerges from that key, and rises up into the air.
I first tried black and white shapes, but those were kind of boring, so now I am using rainbow colored shapes. I am making the black notes darker, but the general scheme is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet for the notes C,D,E,F,G,A,B.
I suppose I could have started the rainbow with A instead of C, but in my mind the scale really begins with C. I can always change it.
This is just a first step. What I really want to do is make multicolored butterflies rise up out of the keyboard as you play. At that point I think it will really start to feel like visual music.
Do you know any of the work in this area by the pianist Dan Tepfer? Brilliant guy and excellent player, who’s been doing some really interesting work here, cf:
It would be awesome to see what Dan Tepfer would do with XR!