Can you match title and subtitle?
1. Birdman 2. Candide 3. Frankenstein 4. Middlemarch 5. Oliver Twist 6. Peter Pan 7. Roots 8. Slaughterhouse Five 9. Tess of the D’Urbervilles 10. The Hobbit 11. Twelfth Night 12. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 13. Vanity Fair 14. Walden |
A. A Novel Without a Hero B. A Pure Woman C. A Study of Provincial Life D. Life Among the Lowly E. Life in the Woods F. Optimism G. The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up H. The Children’s Crusade I. The Modern Prometheus J. The Parish Boy’s Progress K. The Saga of An American Family L. The Unexpected Virtue of Innocence M. There and Back Again N. What You Will |