Universal translator

In 1966 the original Star Trek series introduced the idea of a universal translator. It was a very clever conceit. Our intrepid heroes could communicate with any alien races they happened to meet, thanks to the handy-dandy little translators built into the com-badges on their Federation uniforms.

But what would be the effect of a universal translator in reality? WOuld it be a good thing or a bad thing?

Right now, if I wanted to spend time in Korea or France, I would need to learn the language in order to truly understand the culture and its people. If I never needed to learn the language, I might simply spend time there in a bubble of ignorance, believing I was learning another culture, but not really ever understanding the people or their values.

So maybe it’s just as well that we don’t have a universal translator. Then again, we might very well find one built into those XR wearable glasses that will eventually end up replacing smartphones.

I hope that leads to an era of greater inter-cultural understanding, but I fear that it might just lead to an era of blissfully unaware inter-cultural ignorance.

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