Pun play

I’ve been wondering whether it would be possible to write a play in which every line of dialog contains at least one pun. I don’t mean that the characters would deliberately be punning. In fact, they’d have no idea any of this is happening. Rather, as they play out their scenes, controversies, resolutions, shifts in power and allegiance, they would just happen to say things in puns.

The audience would experience such a play on two completely different levels. The pun or puns contained in each line of dialog would be a sort of music dancing around the lyrics of the play. One could imagine dialog along these lines:

Character 1: I never thought you’d hatch such a bold scheme.
Character 2: Yes, I’ve decided to come out of my shell.
Character 1: I’m so glad. You’ve always been a good egg.

You get the idea. I suspect the above example is too brazen — you’d need to be more subtle about it. If it’s done right, the resulting play might be very satisfying, or it might be unbearably awful. Many members of the audience might not even realize that there was a second “pun” labor to the proceedings.

It’s impossible to say at this point just how such a mad scheme would come across. But it would certainly be interesting to try.

3 thoughts on “Pun play”

  1. Here are a couple of tunes that do it fairly well:
    Sam’s Mens Wear, 1988, Al Simmons

    It’s three stiff belts past 8 on a damp tuesday night. I’m at the corner of tinker and taylor in front of a decaying three story Building. I notice the neon sign above the door, “Sams mens Wear”. Directly above it is Joey’s “Speakeasy”, but that another story. The glowing neon reminds me; I’m here to see my tailor about a matter that’s got me steamed. To make a short story long, Sam and i had a deal i thought was all sewn up. But When I got the goods back to my flatt i found a full length mirror Wern’t long enough. To say i was overdressed would not be fabrication. Off the cuff, my tailor had me in stitches, but i wasn’t laughin’ so i put my Vest foot forward opened the door and surged in… listen sam it seams to me you done a sew sew job. Now I don’t want to press charges or file a suit but i’m sitting on pins and needles. Button your lip sam! you’d best quit your hemming and hawing or you’ll be bobbing and weavin’. Me an’ you got a few wrinkles to iron out. (the rest of the tune: http://www.alsimmons.com/lyrics/cl_sammade.html)

    Vegetation Migration, (Celery Stalks Intro), Nosati/Simmons 1988

    I don’t relish the thought of going out to my garden at midnight. Could it be my fertile imagination? Maybe I yam just hearing things, boy am I in a pickle, I must squash my fears endive got to find out what’s there in the darkness or I won’t get a moments peas. Look, all of the vegetables in the garden are uprooting them selves hoe what a harrowing experience, I’m sure it won’t amount to a hill of beans, but my problems are mushrooming; an army of vegetables, a scallion battalion, is on the rampage, under the command of Colonel Corn (with the husky voice and the silky tones) sure he’s a little wet behind the ears, but shucks he’s the principle stalk holder. Who planted this seed of discontent? From where did it stem? Even with my green thumb I can’t put my finger on it, but I know the soil is tired of being treated like dirt! Can you dig it? (the rest of the tune: http://www.alsimmons.com/lyrics/cl_celerystalks.html)

  2. Thanks so much for such forward-thinking forwarding. This is indeed write on the mark!

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