I’ve been wanting to fix some things about my little interactive fractal program for a while, and today I finally got around to it. One problem was that the program didn’t actually finish building your fractal if you tried to make something really complex. It would just go for a while and then stop.
I’ve fixed it now so that it keeps on going, building your entire fractal pattern no matter how complex. The results look much nicer. 🙂
Also, I’ve added a row of example templates at the bottom. Eventually I’d like to allow people to save their own original templates to a server, so the community can share them back and forth. This is a step toward that.
As usual, you get to the new program by clicking on the image below:
Ken this applet is really cool. Let’s work on moving this forward together too!
I thought you may be interested in this. Ken Ono’s discovery that the partition of numbers takes on a new fractal form.