Punching bag

Today I was invited to a “boxing aerobics” class. I hadn’t even known there was such a thing, and I found it quite fun and interesting. For part of the class we put on boxing gloves and took punches at large free-standing punching bags.

The instructor also gave us some really good lessons in technique. In addition to getting a workout, I learned the basics of the sweet science, including jabs, crosses, uppercuts, and effective ways to do combinations.

Just as the class was starting, my friend gave me a suggestion: He pointed to a spot at eye level on the punching bag and told me, essentially, to imagine the face of somebody I am mad at. “The next time you see that guy,” he said, “you’ll be totally cool and calm.”

I appreciated the suggestion, but as the class went on I found it difficult to think of anyone whose face I really wanted to punch. The whole energy just wasn’t working for me.

Then at some point I had an insight, and after that it all got a lot easier. I imagined my own face up there. Suddenly my jabs started to hit with precision, my uppercuts landed solidly, my right crosses connected with real power.

When it was all over, I was completely relaxed and loose — tired but happy, and ready to hit the shower. It had been a great workout, and I felt wonderful for the rest of the day.

And the next time I see that guy, I’ll be totally cool and calm.

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