A sensible answer

This week I was attending a lecture by Herbie Hancock (he also treated us to some of his latest improvisations). One of the questions during the Q&A was rather odd. The questioner asked why, with all the wonderful new kinds of technologically advanced musical instruments that musicians like Hancock are exploring these days, do some people still insist on playing old and out of date instruments.

At first Hancock seemed a bit nonplussed by the question. It was clear that he was being asked to join a club that he did not want any part of. But then he thought about it for a bit, and came up with the following reply:

“As you move forward, you don’t have to close the door behind you.”

Then he paused, thinking about it a bit more, and added this:

“Otherwise, you’re just in another box.”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more graceful and cogent summation of the relationship between evolving technology and the arts.

One thought on “A sensible answer”

  1. What is marvelous post here, Ken. Succinct yet profound.

    Also good to know Hancock is doing well. I still like his song Rocket.


    P.S. I used your GIF of the dudes walking in a circle for a G+ post today, but I gave you credit by including a link to your blog that describes how you made the GIF.

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