Musings on muses

I’m fascinated by the way creativity within any one individual is triggered by interaction with other individuals. For example, You might encounter somebody and subsequently convert the emotional energy of that encounter into a play, poem, song, painting, sculpture or novel.

What I find most intriguing about this process is that the other person does not need to directly contribute in any way. Our human to human interaction can simply inspire one of us to rise to the occasion and create something new in the world — which in some cases may end up being shared and appreciated by millions of other individuals.

To be the muse in this situation is perhaps an odd thing. It may be gratifying to be forever associated with such creations as “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” or “Walk Away Renee” or “Famous Blue Raincoat”, but as the muse you haven’t actually flexed your own creativity — you simply helped that process to happen in the mind of another, through some mysterious alchemy of human interaction.

On the other hand, I find it absolutely wonderful that we can have this sort of transcendent effect on each other — that our encounters with another can suddenly lift us out of the every day and give us a voice that can touch the hearts of millions.

One thought on “Musings on muses”

  1. Love this Blog. I also find it fascinating how sometimes we can harness a muses negative energy and turn it into our own positive creation. The yin and the yang…

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