Under the watchful gays of the church

Every once in a while you run across a story which is so incredibly stupid, embarrassing, and “hit me in the face with a brick” idiotic that it becomes weirdly transcendent.

Such a story happened the other day, when Tim Torkildson lost his job at the Nomen Global Language Center in Provo, Utah, because his boss, Clarke Woodger, sacked him for posting a lesson on “Homophones”.

As everyone who reads this blog knows, a homophone is a word that sounds like another word. You can’t really teach English without covering this essential topic. But Mr. Woodger, apparently, thought that teaching about homophones would promote a gay agenda.

Around this point, you are probably thinking that I’m making this up. But no, I swear, this is actually what happened.

I suppose I could try to say something clever and funny about this. But what could be funnier, in a tragic sort of way, than what actually happened here?

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