Sheldon, part 12

“Are you sure it’s ok for us to be here?” Charlotte’s mom asked nervously. “It could be seen as breaking and entering.”

“We’re not exactly entering,” Charlotte explained, “because the house belongs to somebody who created our world. So technically we’re exiting.”

“Are there laws against breaking and exiting?” Sheldon asked. Nobody had an answer for that.

Charlotte found the light switch and flipped it on. “Oh my god, what a mess!”

“Ah, the creative mind at work!” Charlotte’s dad marveled.

“Speaking of which,” Charlotte said, “It looks like the study is in here.”

They all stood at the entrance to the room for a long moment, nobody daring to go up to the desk.

“I think this is where he writes it all,” said Charlotte in a hushed voice.

“I’m not sure we should be here at all,” Charlotte’s mom said. “We could still leave. Nobody would have to know.”

They stood indecisively on the threshold of the study.

“Oh, to hell with it!” Sheldon finally said. He strode right up to the desk and picked up a piece of paper, reading aloud. “Hey listen to this. You are not going to believe it.”

“Young man,” Charlotte’s mom said, “Put that piece of paper down this instant.”

“Aren’t you even a little curious to hear what it says?” Sheldon asked.

“I am,” Charlotte said. “Read it to us!”

Sheldon was happy to oblige. “It says: ‘Sheldon, A Novel.'”

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