The gold standard

I am about to give a talk at Emily Carr University. Just one day after having given a talk to a wonderful group of VR enthusiasts in New York City. I am actually typing this from up at the lectern here in Vancouver, as the audience slowly drifts in.

I feel like a globe trotter. Although, admittedly, a slightly jet lagged globe trotter. 🙂

It’s funny to think about how this all works. My talks these days generally circle around ideas of “Future Reality”, of people being able to fold physical space itself, so that they can be present with each other wherever they may be in the world.

Yet ironically, in order to most effectively convey that message, I still need to be in the same room with the people I am talking to. Actual presence is, not surprisingly, the gold standard of “presence”.

Maybe it will always the the gold standard.

2 thoughts on “The gold standard”

  1. Thanks for the presentation about “Future Reality”. It was incredibly interesting & thought provoking.

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