Only I know the difference

I’m working on a fairly large software project. There are many pieces, many features that need improving, much more left to do.

Yet I find myself revising inner parts of the project that nobody else but me can see. Oh sure, one day somebody might find the revised code easier to read, more logical in its flow, more robust and harder to break.

But don’t think I’m doing these revisions just for those reasons. It’s also that I feel, on some gut level, that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. As I learn more about this project, seeing the contours of its shape gradually develop before my eyes, I begin to understand that some of my initial decisions were inelegant.

Not wrong precisely, but inelegant. I feel this strong need to fix that inelegance, to create something that is beautiful not just on the outside, but also on the inside.

In many cases, only I know the difference. Yet I believe it is a difference that matters.

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