Puzzle orgy

Each week I look forward to Saturday morning, because it’s my puzzle orgy time. That’s because when you get the NY Times home delivered, they always include the Sunday Magazine section with your Saturday paper.

Which means there are lots and lots of puzzles to do. So when I wake up bright and early on Saturday mornings, I make a pot of fresh coffee, open the paper, and dive right in.

First I do the Saturday 4×4 KenKen, then the 6×6 KenKen. Then the Saturday crossword puzzle, which is absolutely my favorite puzzle in the world.

Each week I try to do it as fast as I can, and I am happy when I can get down below 20 minutes. This week my time was 19 minutes, so it is a happy week. 🙂

Then I move on the Magazine section. First the 5×5 KenKen, then the 7×7 KenKen (always a challenge).

Then the weird puzzles on the second puzzle page of the Magazine, which are always changing. This week it was a word puzzle called “Projectors”, a number puzzle called “Capsules”, and the ever delightful “Puns and Anagrams.”

After I get through all those, I do the large Sunday Crossword puzzle. It’s much easier than the Saturday puzzle, but it’s big and it always has a trick theme, so it’s a nice way to spend some time in a puzzling frame of mind.

By 9am I’m generally done, and ready to start my day. And I am in a very good mood!

One thought on “Puzzle orgy”

  1. Some questions came to mind.
    Do you have to enjoy puzzles to love maths?
    Is this a drive at the core of all young mathematician development ?
    And more culturally relevant, is there any mathematicians on earth who would admit not enjoying puzzles?

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