Spiderman VR game, then and now

I saw today that somebody had up on a monitor a new VR game in which you could play Spiderman. The highlight was that you could shoot a web from your wrists up toward the top of a building, and then use that web to fly yourself up to the building rooftop.

It made me feel nostalgic, because one of my fondest VR experiences came during a visit to Randy Pausch at Georgia Tech around 1995. At the time he ran a VR class in which design students and CS students would collaborate on VR projects, which they would present together at the end of the semester.

During that visit, I put on a VR headset to try one of the VR games — a Spiderman game, as it turned out. The highlight was that you could shoot a web from your wrists up toward the top of a building, and then use that web to fly yourself up to the building rooftop.

Now I find myself wondering. Did the people who made this new VR game knew about that other very similar VR game, the one created about a quarter century ago?

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