Mutant Gardein burger package

When you are waiting out a global pandemic, you sometimes have food delivered. As it turns out, you don’t always know exactly what you will get.

This weekend I opened up a package of yummy Gardein brand frozen plant-sourced burgers, and did not see exactly what I expected to see. Below, you can see the label on the packaging:


Toward the bottom left, if you look carefully, you can see that the package states that you get four burgers per serving. I have purchased these burgers many times before, and that has always been a true and accurate statement.

But this time, when I opened the package, I got a surprise:


As you can clearly see, there are not four, but six frozen plant-sourced burgers inside. Somehow, two extra frozen plant-sourced burgers decided to come along for the ride.

It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a secure yet easily opened plastic wrapping. It seems that I am the recipient of a mutant Gardein burger package.

But I am not complaining. If providence wants to send me more of them, then to providence I just say thanks for the burgers.

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