Fibonacci day

Today is a Fibonacci day. That is a day in which the month, day of the month, and last two digits of the year are all Fibonacci numbers.

You may never have heard of a Fibonacci day before. That’s because I just made it up.

In the case of today, we are in month 3, day 13, and year 21. These are all found in the sequence of Fibonacci numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,… (The rule is you add the sum of last two numbers in the sequence as the next number. Eg: 5+8=13).

As an exercise, see if you can figure out how many Fibonacci days there are this year.

Here’s an easier one: What is the one date this year that is a successive Fibonacci day? That is a day containing three successive Fibonacci numbers.

And then, when is the next successive Fibonacci day after that? Hint: it’s not this year. That will be an interesting day because it will be the last successive Fibonacci day for a very very long time.

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