Computers dreaming

One difference between our human minds and A.I. based on Large Data Models (like ChatGPT and MidJourney) is that we possess motivation. We do things because we want to. They don’t.

LDM-based A.I. is really just a process of high grade mimicry. Lots of data gets crunched, a question is asked, and then an algorithm just blindly follows the most likely path from the question to some imitation of the data. There is no actual will or purpose involved in the process.

In a sense, it’s a though the computer is dreaming. The computer is processing lots of material and producing hallucinations in response to that processing. Which is what we do when we dream.

The difference is that at some point we wake up, and then we regain a sense of purpose. The computer never wakes up, because it cannot.

Perhaps one day, probably many years from now, a computer will gain the capacity to wake up. And then I suspect we might all be in trouble.

But that would require a completely different approach to A.I. For now, we can just let them dream.

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