Spoiler alert

OK, this one is just for fun. Each of the following is the essence of a surprise ending to a well known movie. Please don’t post a comment here saying what those movies are – you wouldn’t want to spoil the movie for anyone else, would you?

Here’s what I want to know: Are there any important surprise movie endings that I’ve missed?

He’s really his dad.
He’s actually dead.
She’s actually dead.
They’re all actually dead.
She’s really a guy.
She’s really him, and he’s really her.
They are actually brother and sister.
Her daughter is actually her sister.
His mother is actually him.
The happy ending was actually a dream.
The entire story was actually a dream.
He was just pretending to be crazy.
He was making the whole thing up.
One of them was actually a figment of the other’s imagination.
It’s the sled.

Which brings up an interesting question: If nobody tells you where it’s from, is it still a spoiler?

2 thoughts on “Spoiler alert”

  1. He’s not just the mentor, he’s the supervillain.
    It’s not another planet, it’s the future Earth.
    It’s made out of people.
    The con that went bad was fake. The real con worked great.

    When I worked at a science fiction magazine, at least once a week we got in a story where the two marooned astronauts/time-travelers turn out in the last line to be named “Adam” and “Eve.”

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