I spent this year’s fourth of July with family. I realize that many people are going to various events to commemorate the anniversary of America’s independence, including spectacular displays of fireworks, outdoor concerts, all night parties and other celebrations near and far.
But for me the highlight arrived courtesy of my nephew, who is just four years old. His idea of celebration was to go out in the back yard this afternoon with his uncle (that would be me), who was instructed to fill up water balloons, one after another. My nephew would then throw each balloon up in the air, and watch with delight as it landed and burst apart with a spectacular splash. Cue giggling.
Give me your parties, your crowds, your lighted fireworks yearning to burst free. It’s all good.
But somehow the look of sheer delight on the face of my four year old nephew is a better celebration and a more wondrous symbol of a bright future than any mere display of fireworks could ever be.
Don’t want to sound like a cliché but I do see “God” in my children’s eyes… if there is God…