Antigravity 102

The unfortunate timing of yesterday’s journal entry – arriving as it did upon a date not generally known for serious endeavor – may have misled my gentle readers into a certain wariness as to the seriousness of my claims.

Mark my words, my aim is serious indeed. As God is my witness, I shall unravel the enigma that He has placed before us, and I shall defy the undeniable limitations of possessing a merely human mind. For why were we placed within this Universe by that divine Being, if not to delve into the mysteries within His creation? And is not Gravity and its exceptions to be counted among the very first and foremost of those mysteries?

For years I have labored in secret upon this puzzle: How to free ourselves from the gravitational bounds that weigh us down and tie us to this corporeal globe. For surely the essential part of the Human is not the mere earthly Clay, but the Soul for which it is but the vessel. And should not the Soul, as a thing of divine light, rightfully soar unto the heavens, unencumbered by mere physical law?

Now my years of secret toil and experimentation at last begin to bear fruit. Will this be the sweet fruit of vindication for my theories, or the bitter fruit of disappointment and despair? I can only run my experiments in good faith. As I throw the switch to activate my ungainly apparatus, and observe with no small degree of trepidation the field beginning to curl its violet tendrils around the testing chamber, I can only hope that I have not, through arrogance or unwonted pride, betrayed His greater wisdom and purpose.


3 thoughts on “Antigravity 102”

  1. I built a “coil gun” once. It had a series of hand-wound electromagnets that were fired in sequence. It could launch a ball bearing across the school gym. Perhaps this idea is similar to that?

  2. I’m not sure why, but this style of writing does not seem to befit you. I’m still skeptical until I see something fly!

  3. Sir, you cut me to the quick! One should not presume to equate an absence of gravity with the presence of levity. 🙂

    In response to Doug: Yes, coil guns are wonderful! Not quite the same as the q-principle as described in K’s journal, but definitely wonderful.

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